BizDev department’s innovative structure: no clickbait

Today, we will reveal a little bit about how the BizDev department is organized in TRAFFIC DEVILS.
The department consists of four teams: support, sales function, account management, and BizDev itself. Thus, it functions more like a “company within a company.” This is already a little unusual for the market, as you can see. But how far it goes and why this structure is ‘innovative’ – let’s get to the bottom.
Let’s start with a quick overview of CBDO Danylo. Within a year of working at TD, he climbed up to a manager position. His new position allowed him to expand and restructure the department to 12 employees and 500 advertisers in a year and a half. Even for a C-level manager with far more experience, these results are amazingly high. Let’s have a look at the methods that made this extraordinary result possible.
**Quick spoiler: no one else on the market has such a department layout, and one of the most frequent issues with competitors is that one person has to perform tasks from three or four different responsibility areas. In addition to the unique department structure, the company prioritizes focus on long selection, not quick onboarding.
Now let’s see how things work inside:
Client Portfolio Management – Business Development
They are, somewhat, the advertiser’s lawyers within the department. Their primary responsibility is to upscale the partner and accompany them qualitatively at every stage. They are deeply immersed in the advertiser’s market and have a good understanding of the offerers. Their regular job is to select optimal strategies for teams and even individual standouts to become long-term partners. In other words, BizDevs have an advertiser-centric role.
There is always a strong synergy between a BizDev team and an accounting team since they frequently have the resources to address each other’s challenges. The simplest example is that the account team has a web that can push the offer from BizDev in the best possible way. So, they create the shortest and yet effective solution to the issue.
Account team
Each of the big teams has its own account manager. His task is to collect feedback from large advertisers, checking with them on the quality of the traffic that the department delivers. Making the “buyer – the best advertiser for this buyer” and “team – the best advertiser for this team” bundles is the account manager’s main responsibility. Subsequently, maintaining traffic quality and expanding it requires continuous synchronization with the advertiser.
Sales Team
In our case, it’s a kind of ‘cold’ BizDev. That is a role that primarily looks for interesting offsets in the cold market rather than calibrating solutions for partners who have already entered. Although the volume of contracts this role provides may initially be lower for obvious reasons, the majority of the growth in market share and MRR happens through this function. The sales team is also in charge of upscaling existing contracts.

Support Team
It’s not hard to be a brilliant professional when someone does all the technical stuff for you. To relieve the three above-mentioned teams of routine tasks and create conditions for them to maximize performance, we have a fourth team. The support staff works following the primary team hours of other experts as well as on the weekends. It serves as a dependable backend and a training ground for roles in other teams in the future.
Consequently, the company has a model that consists of an analog of two-factor authentication of traffic at the level of ‘advertiser – buying’ and which is delivered by a pair of ‘account – BizDev’ + allocated functions of sales and support, which are responsible for scaling and maintenance in every sense.
As a result, the responsibilities of each kind of specialist are quite strict. This reduces the possibility of inaccuracy and hence raises the caliber of the output. All operations work in perfect harmony with one another at the same time, which has a direct impact on the advertiser’s lifetime value (LTV) within the business and the rate at which new partners are added.
It’s also important to note that each significant partner has a gradually scaling plan, and all of the clients have step-by-step funnels.
Live communication is crucial to ensuring that these funnels are no longer on paper or in mind maps. Bizdev places a high value on direct communication with partners, even in person, where it is possible.
We may discuss traffic quality and hitting KPIs endlessly, but we can all agree that communication is the foundation of trustworthiness.
Naturally, a business model is useless if no one knows about it – that’s why one of the keystones of our practice remains the attendance of every European and world conference.
Last but not least, just like in professional sports, Traffic Devils focuses on building a star team, not a ‘team of stars.’ It’s a fundamental difference, not a pun. In the first example, we refer to a well-coordinated team where everyone knows and loves their role. The second example is about a platform for one’s own ego; this is not something the company welcomes. Bizdev’s department sincerely believes that where one wins, everyone wins, and vice versa.