Kindred initiated job application process for Ukrainians

Kindred initiated job application process for Ukrainians

Kindred Group started a quick job application initiative for the people who suffer from the war across Ukraine and are displaced.

With this new initiative, Kindred gives the displaced people the chance to work at its HQ in Stockholm. Besides, it offers a package of relocation.

The company mentions that applicants are not guaranteed for a role, but the process will be hastened.

Kindred posted in their website that besides financial backing, they are eager to assist people who had to leave their home place and search for accommodation.

The statement also read:

“Kindred starts a quick job application initiative for the displaced people from Ukraine. As soon as you apply for the job, our employees of the Talent Acquisition department will approach you”.

Apart from common benefits that the company offers to its workers such as medical insurance, it offers relocation opportunities for successful people and their families, assistance in visa application as well as English learning.

The company possesses 9 gambling brands, and it’s among the several organizations that appeared with support for the Ukrainians.

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