Operators are not happy with proximity ban in Germany

Operators are not happy with proximity ban in Germany

Baden-Württemberg to consider the case of 4 operators challenging the ban on the operation of sports betting shops in the same building as casinos and gaming halls.

Section 21 (2) of Germany’s First State Gambling Treaty (GlüStV) bans betting on sports and casino activities in the same building.

As a reminder Fourth State Treaty on Gambling was approved last year during July.

According to the state’s complaint administrative courts are not safeguarding the operators who have their facilities in the same building with casinos. It also refers to absence of non-permanent safeguarding.

Section 42 (1) of the LGuG–Baden-Württenberg State Gambling Act, which was put into effect in 2012, states that gambling establishments must be at least 500 meters apart, measured from the front door to the front door.

Stuttgart’s Higher Regional Court is going to discuss the complaint on November 21st.

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