Kindred reports decline in harmful gambling revenue in Q4

Kindred’s latest harmful gambling revenue report has revealed a decrease in the share of the firm’s proceeds generated by problematic gambling behaviors.
The key figure reported by the operator’s latest announcement was a harmful gambling revenue percentage of 3.1% in the last quarter of 2023, which decreased from the third quarter’s 3.3%. The figure returned to the same level recorded in the second quarter of last year, however, Kindred also mentioned an increase in the share of problem gamblers who showed signs of improving their gambling behaviors after the company intervened and provided them with assistance.
In the first quarter of the year, the company was able to detect improved behaviors for only 83% of the players it reached out to. This figure continued improving throughout the year, climbing to 86.4% in Q2, 86.7% in Q3, and finally, 87.4% in the last quarter of the year as mentioned in Kindred’s latest report.
The gambling operator publishes these reports detailing its total revenue generated from harmful and problematic gambling behaviors as part of its Journey towards Zero program, the aim of which is for Kindred to generate 0% of its revenue from people experiencing various types of harm from the pastime.