247Partners won Rising Star award at iGB Affiliate Awards

247Partners won Rising Star award at iGB Affiliate Awards

247Partners won Rising Star award at iGB Affiliate Awards

247Partners took home the Rising Star title from the recent iGB Affiliate Awards ceremony.

On the 9th of February, the iGB Affiliate Awards ceremony rewarded and celebrated a number of the industry’s best affiliates for their different achievements. One of the companies that were given an award was 247Partners.

The firm was honored for its various accomplishments in the affiliate marketing sector. This award is an excellent testament to the dedication and hard work of the company’s team, which has been able to grow at pace during the challenging last year.

“We are excited and honored to have this opportunity to take home the prestigious title from the iGB Affiliate Awards. This reward is a clear mark of the hard work and commitment of our team, which has allowed our company to grow to where it is now. We are incredibly thankful for the award, and we are looking forward to winning more in the future.”

stated the Head of Affiliates at 247Partners, Alex Boiko.

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