AgeChecked confirms rules of strict adherence to age-verification set up in Germany

AgeChecked confirms rules of strict adherence to age-verification set up in Germany

AgeChecked confirms rules of strict adherence to age-verification set up in Germany

Age verification as a mandatory requirement will be enforced from 1 July 2021 in Germany according to the Interstate Treaty on Gambling following the same decision in the Netherlands.  

Suspension of license and fines starting at €500,000 will be active in sixteen German Länder, adopting zero-tolerance policy on violations of age-verification requirements.  

As AgeChecked, online age verification service provider, notes this policy will be mandatory for all operators and affiliates operating for the German market to pay proper attention to all measures on age-verification, consent and record-keeping capabilities.  

Germany adopted GlüNeuRStV on 12 March 2020, bringing balance between the supporters of open market and restriction advocates. The treaty will affect all products, including poker and virtual slots, with a liberalization of the market and restrictive mechanism for player protection. 

The IST2012/2020 (or the Third Amending Interstate Treaty) that entered into force on 1 January 2020 had already allowed online sports betting and will be unaffected by the newly adopted legal act.  

Saxony-Anhalt will function a central authority to supervise the online gaming industry and the 16 German Länder will oversee the full operation of the GlüNeuRStV. 

The German Länder and operators will be given a transition period time to adapt to the restrictions forthcoming from July 2021 and this time will be used to re-visithe existing legal orders on the industry, including norms on age verification.  

Back in 2019 the investigation by the Bavarian Consumer Centre revealed the minors under the age of 18 could easily access online gambling by putting in false birthdates for the five major betting and gambling sites.  

Both Section 6 of the 2002 Jugendschutzgesetz (JuSchG) and IST2012/2020 introduce restrictions for the under-18s for the access to alcohol, tobacco and gambling. Following the new regime, online operators will have to introduce proper age verification measures for a license in Germany. The GlüNeuRStV, in its turn, requires that the minors under-18s should pass through identification and authentication with preliminary and full check-up of their IDs. From 1 July 2021 age verification along with provision of data on personal information, such as first name, surname, address, place of birth (city and country), nationality as well as maiden name will be required for a registration process for online gambling. 

In case operators and affiliates in the German market breach the new restrictions it will result to minimum fines of €500,000 and license revocation. The gambling companies will have to abide with the new regulations on age verification and authentication not to face financial and reputational losses.  

AgeChecked company works in the German market to offer secure authentication services for age, personal and bank account verifications with full KYC on offer for operators and affiliates all through the registration and onboarding process.  

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