BC.Game – iGaming Voice by Yeva

BC.Game – iGaming Voice by Yeva

BC.Game – iGaming Voice by Yeva

BC.Game COO – Chris Butler, a true veteran in iGaming, went into detail about this crypto casino project, as well as shared some stellar advice for start-ups in the industry.

Yeva: As a veteran in iGaming, can you tell us a bit about all the hype around crypto; how to start and how to succeed as an online crypto casino in 2021?

The hype surrounding crypto is well deserved considering all the solutions that are offered by various blockchains to problems in just about every industry on the planet. When it comes to casino operators and players, it offers something sweet for both. For players, it offers nearly instant deposits and withdraws as well as a sense of anonymity in their transactions to and from the casino.  This lets players enjoy their favorite games without the fear of their bank or financial institution freezing their assets because the bank doesn’t approve or considers online casino transactions to be suspicious. For the operators, the biggest benefit is risk free transactions. Crypto transactions are immutable once recorded to their respective blockchain. That means no chargebacks are possible. I could spend the next hour answering just the first part of this question but for your reader’s sake, I’ll leave it at that.

I would say that in order to succeed as an online crypto casino in 2021, one should approach the task as they would any new business. Marketing, marketing and marketing are three ingredients I would suggest. The days of opening a crypto casino as a lone wolf cypherpunk with no business or marketing skills and no team are long gone. They paved the way for what the crypto casino industry is now and I have the utmost respect for the old school crypto casino owners. However, crypto casinos have gone mainstream which makes it necessary for them evolve in order to compete with the more established, traditional online casinos.

Yeva: What sets bc.game apart from other crypto casino providers? What’s your main philosophy?

What sets us apart is we always find ways to be unique in every aspect of our operation. If we are going to implement a popular feature that other casinos are offering we will only do so if we can improve on it and add some of what our community calls “the BC.Game flavor”. We are not the type to copy/paste. Another thing is we are very active advocates of provably fair technology. It is pretty much accepted as the perfect RNG by most crypto casinos and if you perform a quick search on it you will find hundreds of articles parroting that same opinion. Well, we disagree. Our writers and admin team are actual experts and we all agree that it can be better. Don’t get me wrong, it is still the best option for RNG right now but there are flaws. Setting new standards for this technology is something we do regularly. This brings me to our philosophy which is directly tied into provably fair algorithms. We believe that the only way to have a casino that players can fully trust is to completely remove the components that require trust. Through the proper use of provably fair RNG, this is finally possible.

Yeva: On your website you offer a lot of original content; what are your best-performing products currently?

Crash, Plinko and Dice are extremely popular. Plinko happens to be one of my personal favorites. Following closely behind would be the rest of the in-house games that we developed. They are popular because every single round that is played can be verified for fairness and we give the option to run auto betting scripts and “dice bots” as well. This gives wagering an exciting, fully customizable dynamic. Players are drawn to the personalization and transparency of these products.

Yeva: What is bc.game’s stance on Responsible Gaming? Are there any particular measures you take to reinforce it?

We think every player should be aware of the risks of problem gambling and they should become familiar with the warning signs that a problem might be developing. We provide the option to self-exclude as every casino should. It’s a necessary element and it does help but only to a certain extent. We will not pretend that it is a viable solution at an online casino to stop a player from gambling if he or she so chooses. We have become very skilled at preventing players from opening multiple accounts to dodge a self-exclusion but identity shielding technology gives some of the more tech savvy players the opportunity to re-register as somebody new. We do everything we can to protect players but at the end of the day it is truly a matter of one’s personal choices.

Yeva: In a couple of words, could you describe the biggest benefits that becoming a VIP member at bc.game could bring?

Free money. Lots of it. ’nuff said.

Yeva: Tell us a bit about your affiliate program as well; what are your best offers right now?

Our commissions are structured to where our affiliate partners can gain the maximum amounts from the traffic they direct to BC.Game. Our standard offer is 25% of the house edge from every bet placed. Winning bets and losing bets. The nerd version is (wager*house edge*25%) The 25% is just the base rate mostly for players to invite a few friends. That number doesn’t apply to our professional affiliate partners. Our affiliate program was designed by affiliates, for affiliates so we bump that commission rate up significantly depending on the value of our partner’s traffic. 40% and even 50% are common but we can go even higher for our strongest partnerships. We will also entertain any other type of commission structure.

Building a strong relationship with affiliates is not about making them adhere to the systems we have in place. It’s about finding out what works for them and then customizing our offers specifically to suit their individual needs.

Yeva: What’s one piece of advice you’d give to casino affiliates?

Communicate with us. Tell us what you need from us to run a successful campaign. If anything changes, just let us know. Our affiliate managers are equipped with the tools to work with you side by side to maximize ROI for everyone. If you want to offer your traffic exclusive bonuses, just say the word. Custom landing page, no problem. Let’s do this together. If you promote BC.Game, you are our partner.

Yeva: What quality do you value the most in your potential business partners? What are the main red flags?

Performance. This is the number one quality anyone would expect from a partner. It goes both ways. We wouldn’t expect it if we didn’t also aim to deliver. As for red flags, I keep an eye out for affiliates that contact us wanting upfront payment with nothing to offer except for promises of guaranteed traffic. Other red flags would be batches of registrations within a short period of time and little to no activity from those sign ups.

Yeva: What are some of your goals and visions with bc.game for the near future?

We want to keep growing until we take over the world, of course. We have plans to include a Sports Book in the very near future. Also, we are bringing in more devs to create more exclusive in-house games. We have had great feedback about our unique slots games so we want to launch more of them as well.

Yeva: What are your strongest markets; any plans to enter new ones?

For the past year we have had massive traffic and growth coming from all over Asia. We do have our sights currently set on Brazil, as I’m sure many other casinos do.

Yeva: What measures does bc.game take in order to stay in touch with their customers?

We have quite a few ways that we communicate with our very active community. The first would be our multiple chatrooms that can be made visible and used at any time without interrupting gameplay. This is where our staff and players interact in real time all day, every day. We are a worldwide casino so we cater to many different cultures and languages. Right now there are 13 different chatrooms for 12 different languages and one global chatroom for everyone from everywhere. Each chatroom always has a BC.Game staff member from that region available to answer questions and moderate for spam. Next would be the BC.Game Forum. Anyone can join the forum and become a part of the community. Our forum allows for a more permanent and thought out means for communication. It is also where we carry out tons of giveaways and contests. We have 24/7 live support and various social media channels too.

Yeva: Having consulted so many companies and startups, what are some common mistakes, in your opinion, that casino startups make? Could you give a general advice to them?

One thing I see time and time again is startups launching before they are ready. There is more to starting a casino than just having a few games and a bankroll.  If you are going to venture into the very rewarding iGaming industry as an operator, please, please make sure your site is secure. Have it professionally audited. Get a second opinion and have it audited again. Once the professionals give you a green light for launch, go a step further and create a generous bug bounty campaign. You will be surprised how much the pros missed when your community begins reporting bugs. If you launch with open attack vectors and have not given any incentive for users to report them, I guarantee that they will be exploited within hours or, if you’re lucky, a few days. If that happens, recovering will be a long uphill battle. Financially and socially.

Yeva: What has been your biggest lesson/takeaway in the iGaming industry so far? Anything you wish you knew earlier?

I feel like every day is an extension of a career long lesson. I don’t think I will be able to answer this accurately until I retire. Considering how much I love what I do, retirement isn’t something I can see happening anytime soon. I have no regrets and I wouldn’t change anything about the steps I’ve taken and knowledge I’ve gained on the way to this very moment in time.

Yeva: Tell us a bit about the team of individuals behind bc.game.

We are as crazy and fun as we are professional and motivated. I love every single team member at BC.Game. There is not a problem under the sun that we can’t solve when we put our heads together. I know I’m supposed to say that but I really mean it. I have never worked with a team this large and actually liked more than half of them. Words cannot express how much I value each and every one of them.

Yeva: Tell us a bit about yourself as a person as well; what are your main passions in life? What motivates you the most in your business?

I am a simple man that is passionate about everything I do. I love solving problems and building things. Whether it be physical projects that require blood, sweat, tears and power tools or equally challenging digital projects, if being creative is involved, I’m all in. It’s very important to me to bring that passion into every work project no matter the size. What motivates me is setting my own course through untravelled terrain and blazing a trail right through it. The only path I ever want to see in my life is the one I see when I turn around to see how far I’ve come.

Thank you very much for doing this interview with me. I love what you are building and I am grateful for the positive light that you continue to shine on our industry.

Company: BC. Game
Interviewee: Chris Butler
Date: 5.10.2021

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