China reveals illegal gambling amnesty and asks for confessions

China reveals illegal gambling amnesty and asks for confessions

China reveals illegal gambling amnesty and asks for confessions

China’s Ministry of Public Security has announced an illegal gambling amnesty, and is now asking any person involved in illegal gambling operations within the country to come forward and confess if they wish to avoid serious punishment.

As of late, China has not been holding back as it has been trying to eradicate gambling in the territory.  A joint statement by China’s Ministry of Public Security, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate and the Supreme People’s Court was recently released.

Anyone involved that could possibly face charges for facilitating or organising illegal gambling in China under the country’s criminal laws is eligible for this amnesty. Moreover, even the customers of these operations are able to confess and avoid serious punishment.

Furthermore, a deadline has been set for the 30th of April 2021for those who took part in criminal activities and operations in the country, for them to come forward and speak up. Without doubt, punishments will still be in place for those who were involved and confessed but they will be much lighter than the ones for those who did not speak up.

All of the individuals who cooperate as much as they can could even get let loose from any type of punishment, but this will definitely differ from one case to another.

Moving forward, people in China are being encouraged to report any illegal gambling activities to the police, and the Chinese government is helping to protect those who report these activities from any threats they could receive, which is usually what puts people off from confessing.

This amnesty is actually not made solely to deter those who are gambling through illegal sites in the country, but it is also working on stopping players from gambling through overseas providers. Currently, a programme is being tried out in three of China’s provinces to restrict all individuals who travel overseas in order to gamble huge amounts of money.

According to some reports that have surfaced, close to 35,000 people have been punished via this initiative.

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