N1 Partners Group changes its visual design

N1 Partners Group changes its visual design

N1 Partners Group changes its visual design

N1 Partners Group, which provides casino games of the highest quality, changed the design of N1 product’s logo by combining it with other brands.

“N” and “1” symbolize the unity of some N1 Partners’ brands which include N1 affiliate program and N1 casino. The redesigned logo expresses the development and amplification of the company.

The notion of N1 unfolds the unprecedented design of the products. The company focuses on key values such as safety, straightforwardness and trustiness. These are the fundamental principles for building up a high-class system.

The CPO at N1 Partners Group, Yaroslav Laptev, remarks: 

Throughout our long journey and development we remain loyal to our ambitions. We aim to be the primary choice of customers as well as partners. Thus, our mission is to deliver the best products possible. It’s how the slogan of our company arose. That is: “Be N1 with N1”.

It needs to be noted that the change in logo does not result in brand name’s updating. The projects’ names were kept the same.

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