Sydney Star Casino fires dealers as over ten thousand dollars are stolen

Sydney Star Casino fires dealers as over ten thousand dollars are stolen

Sydney Star Casino fires dealers as over ten thousand dollars are stolen

Sydney’s Star Casino has fired a casino dealer as he was caught stealing about $11,000 of gaming chips from the table. The dealer was seen putting them in his socks.

This is not the first case of stealing that the Sydney casino has seen, and the other dealer was also fired. The dealers were taken to court and the footage that proves the stealing was played. In the first video, the dealer is sitting down and shuffling chips on the table. He then passes the chips to his other hand and reaches down to put the chips in his socks. He is then seen with empty hands and goes on his day as usual. He managed to sweep off $11,000 worth of chips during that same week, which was back in July of 2020.

There was also another dealer who handed out an extra $5000 to a client that he was familiar with in multiple instances. This happened as the client gave the dealer $1000 in cash for the chips, but the dealer gave him $6000 worth of. This happened four different times, which would mean that the client received an extra $20,000.

These two issues were reported to the Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority and ended up in a court case, as well as their licences being cancelled.

Philip Crawford, ILGA chair, stated:

“A casino special employee is a licensee engaged to supervise and facilitate gaming activities. These people help safeguard the integrity of casino operations from criminal influence, serious misconduct or exploitation and a special degree of trust is placed in them.”

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