Texas faces challenges in casino expansion effort

Texas faces challenges in casino expansion effort

Texas faces challenges in casino expansion effort

There is an active push in Texas to legalize gambling, particularly following a successful showing in the legislature for 2023.

This initiative is being spearheaded by the Adelson family’s Las Vegas Sands Corporation. In places like Dallas and San Antonio, they hope to establish resort-style casinos and legalize casino gaming.

The Dallas Mavericks’ previous owner, Mark Cuban, is in favor of resort casinos in Texas; the Adelsons recently acquired the majority of the stake. The Sands group resurrected the Texas Destination Resort Alliance, a lobbying group, and began substantially funding the group in order to forward their case.

Proponents for increased gambling assert that it will boost the state’s economy and draw more tourists. There are now only a few casinos owned by Native Americans, the lottery, and some horse racing available in Texas.

There are, nevertheless, substantial obstacles. For moral reasons, conservative and evangelical organizations, such as Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, are against the growth of gambling.  They contend that the state might suffer as a result.

One further obstacle is the legislative procedure. In order to legalize casinos in Texas, a constitutional amendment would need to be approved by the majority of voters in both the House and the Senate. Obtaining such a majority in the Republican-controlled legislature may prove challenging, despite surveys indicating widespread support.

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