iGaming Voice by Yeva – Affiliate Media

iGaming Voice by Yeva – Affiliate Media

iGaming Voice by Yeva – Affiliate Media

In a recent extensive interview with AffPapa, William Clements from Affiliates Media revealed the main challenges he faced in the industry, discussed his goals for the upcoming year and unveiled the main components of running a successful affiliate business.

Yeva: How did you first start in the affiliate industry? What were the initial challenges?

I started out as member of a Get Paid To (GPT) site and then many other after that. Then I learned where those offers come from which are affiliate networks but only could use offers that were incent. I started my own GPT site which is still around today after applying and being approved for some affiliate networks. 

 After that, I heard someone was selling their incent affiliate network so I bought it and it had a good run but for some situations, it did not make it and doors closed after a few years. 

 A few years later from the time I closed the incent affiliate network, I started another but was exploring non-incent as well during that break and decided I would offer both incent and non-incent which is the affiliate network I still have today offering both. 

 The initial challenges for my incent affiliate network were very limited since I bought an existing business other than learning home tracking works. However, when I opened the one I have now, I had to learn differences between incent and non-incent and which traffic would be for either of those, etc.

Yeva: Do you think that affiliates are superior to operators? If yes, what makes affiliates superior to operators and why?

Id like to think operators are superior to affiliates and vice versa. However, it is based on who you know and get to know. You got to build relationships between each other for this to be the case. Affiliates is the bread in butter for an affiliate network so without them then the affiliate network would cease to exist.

Yeva: What is the key to a successful affiliate business?

At first you will not make money but if you focus the hard work on growing your quality traffic and traffic sources that you can target based on categories viable for them. Usually this means testing different campaigns to see what works in the beginning.

However, I do not have any traffic internally but as an affiliate network owner, I have publishers with the needed traffic for my campaigns so even though I may not have the traffic myself, I have a way of making the business successful by using affiliates with traffic. When they make money, so do I. 

Yeva: What approach would you suggest to operators in the beginning stages of a partnership?

In the beginning stages, there will be a lot of planning such as what categories of offers I am interested in targeting, how will I get the traffic, and if youre starting an affiliate network, then how you will find quality affiliates to grow your business with.

Yeva: Has Covid19 had any impact/effect on your business?

No, my business I already did from home so it was never shut down and same for my affiliates.

Yeva: What are the main differentiating aspects of your affiliate business?

A lot of affiliate networks run all sorts of offers and some will gain traffic while many others will not because the affiliates just do not have traffic for some of the offers. This is why I do not add all the offers I can find, I see what kind of traffic my affiliates have and find offers around that. This way, I have way less offers but only have offers that traffic is going to instead of having offers where there is no traffic for them. Such a waste of time to add all the offers on the green earth.

Yeva: Which are your strongest markets? Are you planning on expanding your scope?

Dating/Adult Dating, Adult Webcam, Email Submits, & Loans.

Yeva: How important is it to build a community within the business? Are you trying to be friends with your customers?

It is extremely important to build a community within your business because people refer people and do business with people they know, like, and trust. Being nice and friendly with customers is also important because then they will come back again and can turn into repeat business.

Yeva: Are you planning to become an operator at some point in the future? Please explain why in case of both negative and positive answers. 

Anything is possible but it does seem that the one advantage someone has in being an operator for AffPapa would be to have messages sent out to the affiliates. It cost money to be an operator but not as an affiliate. 

Yeva: Are you planning on integrating more technological solutions in the future?

I am already using technology which is an affiliate network platform. I do not need any more than that currently.

Yeva: Do you have any advice for people who are just starting out in the iGaming industry?

Yes, I am not in the iGaming industry but just like any industry, do your extensive research before you get started. Youll need to learn about it before you can get into the business.

Yeva: Tell us about your biggest lesson learned throughout your journey.

You cant be too trusting or people will walk all over you. Also, the world is always changing so does your business in order to adapt and stay in business.

Yeva: What are your main priorities regarding business in the upcoming year?

My priorities are to expand my business. I have a lot of affiliates international so would like to expand my affiliates to have more in United States and even try to find local ones to me. Also, I plan to adapt to the changes to the industry that I may not be using already to expand business.

Yeva: Tell us a bit about yourself as a person. What are your hobbies? How much time do you spend on you project in average?

I do not have many hobbies but I like swimming, watching TV, Listening to music, etc.Affiliates Media


Company: Affiliates Media
William Clements
Date: 28.01.2021

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