Kindred reports Q2 2023 harmful gambling revenue

Kindred reports Q2 2023 harmful gambling revenue

Kindred reports Q2 2023 harmful gambling revenue

Kindred continues to experience a decline in revenue from harmful gambling.

In its latest report detailing the share of the company’s revenue from risky gamblers, Kindred stated that thanks to the company’s responsibility efforts, only 3.1% of its total revenue was generated by high-risk users, which is down from last quarter’s 3.3%. Additionally, the gambling firm’s interactions were more effective as well, as they had an improvement effect of more than 86%, up from Q1’s 83% and Q4 2022’s 82.6%.

However, the report also stated that the company’s figures for its previous two quarters were off due to a miscalculation. The company had originally reported that in Q4 2022, the share of harmful gambling in its revenue was 3.3%, while in Q1 of the current year, it was at 3%. This error was linked to a change in reporting of self-excluded players, which has been resolved for the company’s latest figures.

Kindred has been publishing statistics on the share of its total revenue originating from risky gamblers since 2021, which has been a part of the company’s Journey towards Zero initiative. The firm added that it is also continually enhancing its data collection efforts, which lead to more accurate statistics.

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