Betsson – Avaldsnes Partnership Influence on Nordic Brand Growth

Betsson – Avaldsnes Partnership Influence on Nordic Brand Growth

Betsson Group having marketing aims in Scandinavian states, started to tailor brand reinforcement activities due to corporation with Avaldnes IL, a Norwegian football club for women.

Following up the standards of international marketing, the newly gained status of Betsson as the primary financial source for Avaldsnes will guarantee the brand’s growing prestige due to kit advertisement during every match holding out of Norway’s borders.

Betsson shifted its focus from kit marketing to the promotion of the company #EqualOpportunities which correspondently expands operator’s initiatives regarding the social duties.

The deal Betsson made becoming Avaldsnes IL’s primary sponsor unveils its versatile strategy and reinforces its profile.

Betsson Group’s General Commercial Officer named Ronni Hartivig, commented on Betsson’s diverse working strategy and believing it to be the clue innovative factor in all spheres and sport is not an exclusion. He added on enjoying being a part of women’s football and witnessing the excitement. The officer also is confident about the soon-to-become significant growth predicted to see in Championship’s matches which will benefit both parties.

Lately, displaying an impressive performance during the European competitions, Avaldsnes flattened a way for Betsson to glow both internationally and domestically. Meanwhile, based on the agreement, in the Champions League, NASDAQ registered in Stockholm will financially back its newly partnered campaigns.

Avaldsnes’s Chief Manager, Stian Stavelnd Nygaard, varied that Betsson’s contract will play a crucially significant role in accomplishing the settled sporting and commercial objectives. In order to take implementations to participate in the Champions League, the manager confirmed needing financial support, and the latter can be reached with Betsson’s sponsorship. According to the Manager, this partnership is unique due to the strongly built trust among the partners, allowing them to think beyond the defined aims and believe in their accomplishment.

Betsson’s Chief Commercial Officer also highlighted the importance of supporting the message of #EqualOpportunities. However, they are waiting to be introduced the license system in Norway to carry on further investments.  He mentioned that #Equal Opportunities has a vital notice for them as far as it gets expanded to other European parts by providing the license as an equal opportunity.

On the other hand, despite partnering with Katharina Thanderz and Cecillia Brækhus, Betsson has lately started partnerships with the Chilean national football team known as ‘La Roja’, the first betting partnership experience for the team. Following the trade reports, the team has achieved its set goals registering a 12% revenue increase to the budget of approximately 1.5 million.

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