Premier League to stop certain gambling sponsorships

Premier League to stop certain gambling sponsorships

The teams of the Premier League have collectively agreed to stop displaying the logos of gambling firms on the fronts of their shirts.

In its statement, the sports league stated that the withdrawal of gambling sponsors from the fronts of players’ shirts will go into effect in 2026, giving teams plenty of time to halt such contracts.

At this time, there are 8 teams that have an active gambling sponsorship in place, however, a few others have similar contracts that do not involve logo placements on players’ shirts. It is important to mention that the league did not cover any other forms of logo or product placements in its latest announcement.

The decision was made through a long consideration process, which involved not only the league and its clubs but also the British Ministry of Media, Sport, and Culture. This was done as a part of the country’s gambling regulation review.

This move makes the Premier League the first major sports organization in the United Kingdom to reduce the amount of gambling advertisements voluntarily. Additionally, the league stated in its announcement that it is collaborating with a number of the country’s other similar organizations to establish guidelines and rules on gambling advertisements and sponsorships to ensure a high standard of responsibility.

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