The Star casino manager banned for borrowing cash from staff

The Star casino manager banned for borrowing cash from staff

The Star casino manager banned for borrowing cash from staff

Minh Nguyen, the gaming manager of The Star casino, based in New South Wales, got fired and got a ban when she was found out to borrow cash from the staff for funding her wagering habit.

According to news, the manager has misapplied her position and borrowed $7000 from her employees and the half of it has not been paid yet.

Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority chairman, Phillip Crawford, remarked: 

“It’s a matter of integrity when a worker uses his position where repute and nature are significant.

The Authorities repealed her license to prevent her future wager-harms. Continuous contraventions are to prove dishonesty and inability in regulatory compliance.”

During 2020 and current year, Nguyen had borrowed more than $7000 from the employees under her management, and it was stated that the employees were unable to refuse her and later were afraid to talk about it.

The manager continues to reject the fact that she had used her position to make colleagues loan money.

One of the employees informed that she asked for $3000 and promised to give it back in two months. He gave her $2000 but received only half after five months. Another employee reported that she had asked $1000 for family issues.

Mr Crawford also mentioned: 

“The ban aims to prevent such risks in future and to protect the communities and Nguyen herself”.

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